Archived Volumes of Past Issues


Volume 1 Issue 1, January 2014


Parulekar SV

Ovarian Failure with Uterine Artery Embolization
Mirchandani A, Parulekar SV.

Hysterographic Assessment of Repair of Uterine Chronic Rupture
Sharma G, Samant PY, Parulekar SV.

Ectopia Vesicae and Intrauterine Pregnancy
Mahajan J, Samant PY,  Parulekar SV.

Free-Floating Intraperitoneal Mass
Gupta P, Parulekar SV.

Genital Myiasis
Dhakne P, Gupta AS.

Intramyometrial pregnancy
Kumari M, Gupta AS.

Forgotten Vaginal Ring Pessary
Khadkikar R, Panchbudhe S, Channawar S, Chauhan AR.

Difficult Vaginal Hysterectomy: A New Approach
Parulekar SV


Parulekar SV

In a busy hospital practice, one gets to see a lot of patients. When the hospital is a tertiary level care center, like our center, one encounters a number of unusual cases. There is a lot to be learned from such cases, because their presentation and management are different from the descriptions in the standard textbooks. Unless these cases are documented, they tend to be forgotten, until one encounters a similar case again. Without documentation, knowledge of these cases is not available to others in the scientific community. Case reports need to be published so that these two deficiencies in learning are overcome. Then one day someone can review the literature and compile a series of all such cases, so that statistically significant conclusions can be drawn. Science makes progress in this way.
There is another deficiency in learning. Practice of conventional Gynecology and Obstetrics is based on textbook teaching and management algorithms. But new ideas are required for science to progress. Many people get new ideas. These ideas can be on anything – clinical tests, laboratory tests, instrumentation, or operative procedures. A few of these are brilliant. These thinkers need a platform to present their ideas, even before they go through the process of clinical studies, so that there can be brainstorming on them. The final version can then be put to critical evaluation in a scientific study.
Journal of Postgraduate Gynecology & Obstetrics is launched with these objectives in mind. We believe in free education for all, including publication of scientific content. Hence we have made this journal open source. Unlike many such journals on the net, it is totally free. There are no hidden charges, like processing fee, printing fee, color illustration charges etc. It is perhaps the only journal that readers can access for free and contributors can contribute to for free. This should help all those in the less privileged countries, though people in the privileged countries are also welcome to these resources.