Khadkikar Rashmi*,
Wakchaure Ganesh**, Prasad Madhva***, Chauhan
Assistant Professor, ** Assistant Professor, *** Third Year Resident, ****
Additional Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seth G.S. Medical College
and K.E.M Hospital,
Mumbai, India.)
Cesarean scar ectopic is
one of the rarest forms of ectopic pregnancy where the gestational sac is
implanted in the myometrium at the site of previous cesarean section (CS)
scar. Transvaginal ultrasonography (USG)
and Doppler are diagnostic. Complications such as uterine rupture and
hypovolemic shock may be life-threatening and hamper fertility; if diagnosed
early, conservative management with systemic or local methotrexate, or uterine
artery embolization (UAE) to prevent hemorrhage, is possible if the patient is
hemodynamically stable. We report a case of cesarean scar ectopic managed
conservatively with methotrexate therapy.
Case Report
A 27 years old second
gravida with one previous LSCS was admitted to the emergency room of our
tertiary institute with complaints of painless vaginal bleeding since 2 to 3
weeks. Bleeding was sudden in onset, without prior amenorrhea, with spotting on
some days, alternating with episodes of profuse bleeding. On examination,
pallor and tachycardia were noted. Per abdominal examination was normal. On
vaginal examination, uterus was anteverted, bulky, fornices were unremarkable.
Urine pregnancy test was positive.
Ultrasonography showed
normal-sized uterus with a 0.5cm cystic area with surrounding
hyper-echogenecity at the LSCS scar site, suggestive of a gestational sac.
Doppler showed. There was no evidence of gestational sac in endometrial cavity.
Minimal free fluid was seen in cul-de-sac.
Figure 1: Transvaginal
USG showing normal endometrial cavity and gestational sac in LSCS scar.
Figure 2: Doppler
showing high velocity, low impedance peri-trophoblastic flow.
As patient was
hemodynamically stable, sac size was small and initial serum βhCG was
6484mIU/ml, decision for medical treatment with methotrexate (40mg IM at 1mg/kg
body weight) was taken after baseline biochemistry. However, βhCG remained the
same after the first dose of methotrexate; hence transvaginal USG-guided
intragestational injection of 40mg methotrexate was performed, followed by
leucovorin rescue (0.4mg IM). Subsequently, βhCG fell to 3009mIU/ml after 1
week (>50% decrease), 1026mIU/ml after 2 weeks and 100mIU/ml after 6 weeks.
Two weeks after the procedure, sonography showed no lesion or vascularity.
of scar ectopic commonly present with painless, sometimes heavy, vaginal
bleeding. Uterine tenderness may be elicited if the ectopic is in process of
rupture. Unlike adherent placenta where the placenta invades the myometrium at
the scar site but the pregnancy is uneventful, scar ectopic is
more aggressive in its behaviour because of its early invasion which can lead
to rupture, and massive hemorrhage.
Diagnosis is made by USG and Doppler; MRI is confirmatory.
Diagnostic criteria on Doppler to differentiate from cervical ectopic pregnancy
- Gestational sac located between bladder wall and anterior isthmic portion of uterus
- No trophoblastic tissue in uterine cavity or cervical canal
- Clearly visible circular blood flow surrounding the sac
Jurkovic has described a negative “sliding organ sign”
as diagnostic of scar ectopic –the inability to displace the
gestational sac from its position at the level of the internal os by gentle
pressure applied by the transabdominal probe.[4]
Mode of treatment depends on the presentation as
rupture and severe hemorrhage may warrant hysterectomy. Cesarean scar pregnancy
may be managed conservatively if diagnosed early. Conservative modalities
include excision of trophoblastic tissue through hysterolaparoscopy; intralesional KCl, local or
systemic methotrexate; D&C under laparoscopic
guidance with Foley balloon tamponade. However, D&C should not be done as first
line treatment due to risk of perforation and catastrophic hemorrhage.[5] Selective UAE may be prophylactically used with any conservative
procedure to prevent excessive bleeding and conserve fertility.
Intragestational injection of methotrexate is
preferable to systemic regimen as it achieves a high concentration locally and
interrupts the pregnancy more rapidly. Baseline βhCG of >5,000mIU/ml is associated
with failure of systemic methotrexate and better response to intralesional
administration5. Success of treatment is monitored by hemodynamic
status, regression of gestational sac on USG, and falling βhCG levels, as seen
in our case.
In a hemodynamically stable patient, laparoscopy is
the best choice as it provides both diagnosis and definitive management.
Surgical technique described is vasopressin
injection in the tissue surrounding the sac to reduce bleeding, excision
and retrieval of the scar ectopic mass,
and closure of the defect and hemostasis with endosutures and bipolar cautery.[6]
Long-term outcomes after
conservative treatment include concerns about future fertility and recurrence
of cesarean scar ectopic. As uterine rupture can occur in the next pregnancy,
the scar should be evaluated hysteroscopically before next pregnancy and by USG
during subsequent pregnancies.[5]
To conclude, for women
with cesarean scar ectopic who desire fertility, in the absence of hemodynamic
instability, conservative treatment with systemic or local methotrexate is an
excellent option.
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Khadkikar R, Wakchaure
G, Prasad M, Chauhan AR. Cesarean Scar Ectopic Pregnancy. JPGO Volume 1 Issue
2, February 2014, available at: