Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Quiz October 2014

Enter your name and year of residency (for resident doctors only) in appropriate fields. Select the best one out of four options for each question and click on its radio button. When you have completed the quiz, use the print button at the bottom of the page or use the print command button of your browser to print your answer book. We recommend you print a PDF file rather than print it on paper. That is more eco friendly. Answers to the quiz will be published in the next issue of the journal.
Name: Year

1) A paraganglioma develops from:
a) Adrenal cortex
b) Ganglion of tendon sheath
c) Chromaffin tissue of the sympathetic nervous system
d) Chromaffin tissue of the parasympathetic nervous system.

2) About ___ % of paragangliomas are hormonally active.
a) 17
b) 83
c) 50
d) 75

3) Hemoperitoneum in a case of subserous leiomyoma of the uterus is due to:
a) Associated ectopic pregnancy
b) Ruptured surface vessels
c) Red degeneration in the leiomyoma
d) Erosion of uterine vessels by the leiomyoma

4) Hemoperitoneum in a case of subserous leiomyoma may be associated with:
a) Anticoagulation
b) Blunt trauma to the leiomyoma
c) Pregnancy
d) Any of the above

5) All these techniques are vaginal methods of correcting an inverted uterus except:
a) Spinelli’s repair
b) O’Sullivan’s hydrostatic method
c) Huntington’s method
d) Kustner’s repair

6) Chronic non puerperal inversion can be caused by a:
a) Cervical pedunculated leiomyomatous polyp
b) Anterior uterine wall pedunculated leiomyoma
c) Posterior uterine wall pedunculated leiomyoma
d) Fundal uterine wall pedunculated leiomyoma

7) CD4 count during pregnancy is not dependent on:
a) Gestational age
b) Micronutrient status
c) Seasonal influences
d) Maternal age

8) Maternal HIV infection is not associated with:
a) Spontaneous abortions
b) Congenital malformations of the fetus
c) Preterm delivery
d) Low birth weight

9) A placental site nodule is composed of:
a) Chorionic-type intermediate trophoblastic cells
b) Degenerated decidual and chorionic cells
c) Cytotrophoblastic cells
d) Syncitiotrophoblastic cells

10) Differential diagnosis of placental site nodule does not include:
a) Placental site trophoblastic tumor
b) Placental site epitheloid tumor
c) Endometrial stromal tumor
d) Invasive keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix

11) Paraovarian cysts are extraperitoneal cysts arise from:
a) Remnant of the mullerian ducts
b) Remnant of the wolffian ducts
c) Either of the first two options
d) None of the first two options
12) Torsion of paraovarian cyst is:
a) Very rare
b) Very common
c) As common as torsion of ovarian cysts
d) More common than torsion of ovarian cysts

13) The incidence of fimbrial prolapse is ___ of all hysterectomies.
a) Less than 1%
b) 1-5%
c) 5-10%
d) More than 10%

14) ___ is not a risk factor for development of fimbrial prolapse after hysterectomy:
a) Very long fallopian tubes
b) Postoperative formation of hematoma of the vault
c) Postoperative infection of the vault
d) An open vaginal cuff

15) Of non puerperal chronic inversion inversion of uterus, over __% are associated with uterine tumors, of which __% are malignant.
a) 90, 20
b) 80, 15
c) 70, 10
d) 50, 5

16) Predisposing factors for chronic uterine inversion do not include:
a) Submucous leiomyoma
b) Endometrial polyp
c) Adenomyosis
d) Uterine sarcoma

17) Which of the following are both distinctive ultrasonographic features seen in chronic inversion of uterus?
a) Pseudouterine shadow and target sign
b) Pseudostripe and target sign
c) Pseudostripe and bull's eye sign
d) Pseudoendometrium and pseudocervix shadow

18) What diagnostic feature of classic chronic uterine inversion was missing in this case?
a) A mass protruding from the vagina
b) Ring of constriction above the mass on pelvic & P/R examination
c) Cervix fused with prolapsed mass
d) Blood stained foul smelling vaginal discharge

19) ___ operation is easier and associated with fewer complications than others for correction of a chronic inversion of the uterus.
a) Haultain’s
b) Dobbin’s
c) Spinelli’s
d) Kustner’s

20) Prolapsed fallopian tube does not need to be differentiated from:
a) Primary or metastatic adenocarcinomas
b) Endometriosis
c) Cysts of the mesonephric and paramesonephric ducts
d) Recurrent cervical squamous cell carcinoma