Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Quiz December 2014

Enter your name and year of residency (for resident doctors only) in appropriate fields. Select the best one out of four options for each question and click on its radio button. When you have completed the quiz, use the print button at the bottom of the page or use the print command button of your browser to print your answer book. We recommend you print a PDF file rather than print it on paper. That is more eco friendly. Answers to the quiz will be published in the next issue of the journal.
Name: Year

1) All these are advantages of a Pfannensteil incision except:
a) reduced postoperative pain
b) risk of vascular injury
c) good cosmetic results
d) reduced risk of incisional hernia formation.

2) In Shirodkar's sling surgery psoas hitch is required to avoid:
a) injury to mesolcolon of the rectum
b) injury to left ureter
c) obstruction of the sigmoid
d) injury to left hypogastric vessels

3) The sequence of tissues encountered during opening the uterovesical pouch during a vaginal hysterectomy is:
a) vagina, pubovesicocervical fascia, uterovesical fold of peritoneum
b) cervix, pubovesicocervical fascia, uterovesical fold of peritoneum
c) vagina, uterovesical fold of peritoneum, pubovesicocervical fascia,
d) vagina, uterovesical fold of peritoneum

4) The uterovesical fold of peritoneum is identified during a vaginal hysterectomy by:
a) its glistening appearance
b) its thickness
c) its rolling easily over the anterior surface of the uterus
d) its translucency

5) In case of difficulty in identifying the uterovesical fold of peritoneum during a vaginal hysterectomy, all of the following measures are useful except:
a) instilling methylene blue solution into the urinary bladder
b) passing a bladder sound
c) dividing the uterosacral ligaments to increase the descent of the uterus
d) opening the posterior peritoneal pouch first and reaching uterovesical fold from behind and above the uterus.

6) Dissection in a plane anterior to the correct plane for opening the uterovesical fold of peritoneum during a vaginal hysterectomy can cause:
a) injury to the vesical venous plexus
b) injury to the rectum
c) injury to the urinary bladder
d) injury to a ureter

7) Opening the broad ligament instead of the uterovesical fold of peritoneum during a vaginal hysterectomy can cause all of the following complications except:
a) injury to a ureter
b) injury to a uterine artery
c) injury to uterine veins
d) injury to the urinary bladder

8) Fear of injuring te urinary bladder during a vaginal hysterectomy can be overcome by:
a) performing all hysterectomies by the abdominal route
b) performing all hysterectomies by the laparoscopic route
c) performing all hysterectomies under ultrasonographic control
d) proper understanding of the anatomy of the pelvic organs

9) Risk of development of multiple pregnancy is increased with all of the following except:
a) Greater maternal age
b) Ovulation induction
c) Assisted reproduction
d) Postcoital contraception

10) Higher order multiple pregnancies increase the risk of all of the following except:
a) congenital malformations
b) abortion
c) preterm delivery
d) cervical incompetence

11) OHVIRA syndrome does not have partial or complete duplication of:
a) vagina
b) cervix
c) uterus
d) urethra
12) Complications of OHVIRA syndrome do not include:
a) endometriosis
b) pelvic adhesions
c) infertility
d) adenomyosis

13) Uterine artery pseudoaneurysm can develop due to due to vascular trauma and inflammation caused by all of the following except:
a) cesarean section
b) vaginal delivery
c) myomectomy
d) endometrial curettage

14) A pseudoaneurysm of a uterine artery causes:
a) early postpartum hemorrhage
b) late postpartum hemorrhage
c) thmboembolic disease
d) menorrhagia.

15) Peritoneal inclusion cysts are usually found in :
a) prepubertal girls
b) adolescent girls
c) reproductive age women
d) postmenopausl women

16) Peritoneal inclusion cysts are usually in nature.
a) reactive
b) dysplastic
c) metaplastic
d) degenerative

17) Unicornuate uterus is usually associated with ______ anomalies.
a) hepatic
b) cardiac
c) splenic
d) renal

18) All of the following tests are useful in assessment of a suspected mullerian anomaly except::
a) ultrasonography
b) mullerian inhibiting factor assay
c) computed tomography
d) magnetic resonance imaging

19) Most suitable incision for performing Shirodkar's sling operation is:
a) subumbilical midline vertical
c) McBurney's grid iron
d) Lanz

20) Shirodkar's sling operation can cause injury to the left _____ nerve.
a) ilioinguinal
b) femoral
c) genitofemoral
d) sciatic

Answers to Quiz November 2014
1-b, 2-b, 3-d, 4-b, 5-b, 6-d, 7-c, 8-c, 9-a, 10-a, 11-c, 12-b, 13-c, 14-c, 15-d, 16-a, 17-b, 18-c, 19-b, 20-c.