Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Antenatal Ward

At 7:00 A.M.

New admissions / transferred patients from WWD are checked.

For new admissions, following things are checked.

Consent for treatment is taken by Staff.

The patient is allotted a bed belonging to respective unit, whenever available.

Weight, height and urine albumin is recorded if required.

Shaving of private parts is done as and when required.

For each admitted/transferred patient

Admission / transfer is taken by staff



Hb, BG, VDRL, HIV, FBS/PLBS reports are checked.

USG (Obs routine, malformation scan)

Immunization status is checked.

High risk counseling is done.

Seniors are informed as required.

Findings of Qualified doctor are entered on case paper.

Filing of all documents is done.

Orders are written by doctors and carried out by staff.

For blood and body fluid investigations

All investigations as advised during routine hours are dispatched and entered in dispatch book.

For urine routine, the following are checked.

Clean container

Clean catch sample

If patient catheterized, sample collection from Foleys catheter

For emergency calls

Call written by Staff nurse and sent to RR/ respective unit on free days during routine hours by ward servant.

The call is noted immediately and attended by Emergency Unit resident doctor.

The parent unit is informed.

On rounds

Pulse, blood pressure , FHS are checked.

In selected patients, daily fetal kick count/Cardiff count is maintained, as required.

Ward NST is done.

7:00 am – 2:00 pm from Monday to Friday

7:00 am- 11:30 am on Saturday


NST machine and parts are verified to be in working condition.

Over is taken from the previous unit.

Entry is made on the NST book mentioning date, name of the patient, and unit.

If anything not working properly, the concerned in-charge is informed immediately during routine hours.

On Sundays

ANC chart os filled and updated.


Abdominal circumference

Symphysio-Fundal height

Investigations including USG carried out in the past week

If a patient has to be transferred to labor ward

Fresh orders are written.

The patient is given enema if required and shaving of her private parts is rechecked.

The patient is shifted on a wheelchair or trolley as per requirement by ANC servant accompanied by her relative

Transfer entry with date and time has been made in the admission book (by staff) as well as on indoor paper (by doctor)

For elective inductions of labor

Preinduction orders are written by doctor and carried out by Staff nurse.

Consent is duly signed by patient, relative, and witness.

Prescription is given as required.

Enema is given before transfer to labor ward.

The patient is shifted to labor ward is written on the indoor paper.

For elective procedures, check

Qualified doctor's findings and decision for the procedure are confirmed.

Preoperative investigations are done.

Anesthesia fitness is obtained.

RGJAY status is checked.

Consent is taken.

One day prior to surgery

OT list is given to Anesthetist and OBOT Sister in charge before 1:00 P.M.

Routine BGCM is sent before 2:00 P.M..

Anesthesia fitness is checked.

Preoperative orders are written.

Prescription is given for of medications/ consumables (Obstetric and Anesthetic) not available in the hospital or which cannot be arranged by the hospital.

Written informed consent is obtained.

Availability of blood is confirmed.

Operation list of posted patientsis given to Staff nurse of the respective ward.

On the day of surgery

Preoperative orders are carried out.

It is confirmed that the patient's abdomen, back, and vulva have been shaved, has taken bath, and changed.

A label is put on the patient's gown mentioning name, unit, procedure.

It is confirmed that relatives are with the patient.

Cap is given to cover the patient's hair.

The patient is shifted on a trolley or wheelchair as per requirement with OBOT servant accompanied by relatives and Houseman on call.

Postoperative monitoring is done (in case of cervical cerclage patients).