Archived Volumes of Past Issues


Fitness for discharge

Patient hemodynamically stable

Passed urine and stools after any procedure performed on her or after delivery

In post delivered patients, baby discharge by the neonatologist

In high risk patients, fitness for discharge from the respective specialties

Discharge card

Name of the patient

Address of the patient

Telephone number

OPD and IPD numbers

Name of the respective unit

Date of admission and discharge

Provisional diagnosis

Final diagnosis


Condition on admission

Course in ward

Treatment in ward

Condition on discharge

Treatment on discharge

Advise on discharge with proper date and time of next follow up

For antenatal patients, plan of action in case of high risk

For gynaec patients, plan of action written,specially patients who have undergone hysterolaproscopy

On the top of the discharge card, additional information

Photocopy of OT notes, in case any operative procedure performed

Reference sheets from other departments, in case of high risk patients

Registered, unregistered or transferred patients

If transferred, name of the hospital from where the patient has been transferred

JSY card collected or not

TL money collected or not

RGJAY status, if applicable

Signatures of a houseman and registrar on discharge card

Inform the respective ward staff

All papers numbered and arranged in serial order with the indoor paper, before dispatch to the Medical    Record Department. Discharge summary given to the staff with signatures of the registrar or qualified on the indoor paper with date.

All relevant documents handed over to the patient (OPD paper or the casualty paper, discharge card, all the investigation reports for which the patient has paid, original payment reciepts, photocopy of OT notes and reference sheets from other departments

In case of discharge of a patient whose relatives are not available senior AMO has to be informed during routine hours and casualty officer during emergency hours and permission to be taken for the same and serious card issued.

No objection certificate to be taken from police in case of medico legal case

DAMA (Discharge Against Medical Advise)

Ward sister informed

Written call to AMO before 3 PM on routine hours or Casuality Officer after 3 PM in emergency

Inform assistant professor during    working hours and on call lecturer during emergency

DAMA stamp on the front indoor paper and OPD paper and discharge card, with signatures of the ward staff, unit registrar and the patient or the relative’s sign with date and AMO/CO written call number on DAMA

Patient and relative explained

In case of DAMA of serious patient informed consent of the relative has to be taken and high risk of the patient and the consequences has to be explained