Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Gynecology Ward

For each patient

Admission history is taken and examination is done by houseman and registrar.

Shaving is done by nurse.

Proper bed allotment is done as per unit, whenever available.

Hospital dress is givn.

Investigations are done: PAP,CXR, ECG, USG, all routine blood and urine investigation.

For patients posted for surgery, check

Findings of qualified doctor and decision for the procedure are entered on the case paper.

Preoperative investigations are done.

Anesthesia fitness is obtained.

RGJAY status is checked.

Blood donation is arranged for, if posted for major surgery.

Written informed consent is obtained.

Preoperative chart is prepared.

One day prior to surgery

OT list is given to anesthetist and Sister in charge of OT and ward before 1:00    P.M.

Routine BGCM sent before 2:00 P.M.

Anesthesia fitness is checked.

Preoperative orders are written.

Prescription is given as required.

Consent is obtained.

Availability of blood is confirmed.

On the day of surgery

Preoperative orders are carried out.

It is confirmed that the patient has taken bath, changed, passed stools, and shaving has been done.

A label is put on the patient's gown mentioning name, unit, procedure.

It is confirmed that relatives are with the patient.

Cap is given to cover the patient's hair.

All investigation and reports given back to the patient's relatives after procedure

Post op monitoring