Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Labor Ward


All footwear are kept in the rack outside labor ward.

All labour room slippers are in the rack inside labor ward while leaving labor ward

AT 7 am, CHECK

LWD patients' over is taken.

Recovery room patients' over is taken.

NST machine over is taken.

Machines working is taken (if not working,Sister-in-charge and Assistant professor in charge are informed.


NST paper

Written over in NST book

Emergency trolley is checked for availability and functionality of: suction machine, oxygen mask, adrenaline, atropine, midazolam, sodium bicarbonate, ET tube, laryngoscope with cells, central oxygen connection.

Stock of the following things in the ward is checked: cap, mask, plastic apron,    syringes, needles, sterile plastic drape, catheter, indoor continuation sheet, partographs, HIV kit, liquid soap, towel, BP apparatus, lights.

The availability of a call book is checked.

Presence of a neonatologist on call is confirmed.

OBOT, GYN OT, OPD Units’ patients’ over is taken.

Fresh orders are written.

Hb and relevant investigations are checked.

BGCM form is checked if indicated.

Senior findings are checked.

Plan of action is checked.

Proper patient monitoring is done.

In labor patients- Half hourly

Delivered patients- every 15 mins x 2 hours, every 30 mins x next 2 hours, 2 hourly x next 4 hours

2 hourly Senior rounds

Perineal care is given to all patients who have delivered.

Patients are shifted on a wheelchair from labor room to recovery room.

All beds are cleaned by servant after delivery .

All post delivery notes are written.

Entries in IPM book

PPIUCD entries are made in PPIUCD Register

All required Death Certificate forms filled

All high risk entries in confinement book


Fresh OT changes

OT availability (Servants, staff and table)

Anaesthesia call

Pre-op orders (injectable antibiotics, relevant drugs, shaving of parts)

Senior decision written on paper with date and time

Written informed consent of the patient

Relevant prescription

IV line

Patient is catheterised

Blood availability

Neonatologist is informed

Ask for trolley and servant

When leaving labour room, make sure over of all the above is given to the next E-Unit