Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Maternal Death Audit Meeting

Checklist for every case

Submission of maternal death report to the quality assurance committee within 24 hours

Submission of maternal death form, duly filled, with summary and photocopy of the indoor case paper to the quality assurance committee within 7 days

Submission of maternal autopsy report to quality assurance committee when it is received

Checklist for conducting unit

Maintenance of a list of all maternal deaths occurring in the month

Reviewing the forms and listing the departments and units involved

Dispatch of letters to all Heads of Surgery, Medicine, Anesthesiology, transfusion Medicine, and Sister-in-Charge of Antenatal Ward and Labor Ward regarding the time and date of meeting, to ensure their attendance

Dispatch of letters to all the respective departments regarding time and date of meeting, to ensure their attendance

Carry attendance sheets to the meeting: committee members, general.

Submission of recommendations decided in the meeting and the autopsyreports to the quality assurance committee