Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Receiving Room (RR)

At 7 A.M.

All patients who arrived before 7 A.M. are seen by previous unit on duty.

RR stock of BP apparatus, sulphosalicylic acid, 2 delivery trays, emergency drugs, light source at examination table, weighing scale, HIV KIT with buffer solution, alcohol-based hand wash, litmus paper, and cetrimide solution is checked.

RR stationary items like treatment sheets, carbon paper, call book, and punch    are checked.

Availability of blood and blood products in blood bank

Seropositive status register is checked.

Referral list is checked.

RR phone is checked and if not working, Sister-in-charge is informed.

Sexual assault examination kit is checked.

Proper disposal of all waste is confirmed.

When a patient comes to RR

Relatives are asked to wait outside RR.

It is confirmed that the patient has hospital case paper or casualty paper (if there is no case paper).

History and examination findings are entered in duplicate.

Admission of patient, if required, is made BEFORE any scan or investigation is advised.

No sample collection is done in RR.

For obstetric patients

Status is checked: Registered / Unregistered/Transferred

Proper entry is made in referral list.

Parent Unit is checked.

High risk / Low risk is determined.

Antenatal investigation reports are checked.

Senior's findings in RR are entered, in case of high risk patients.

If admission is required

Admission paper is made.

Fresh orders are written.

Orders are carried out by staff.

Parent unit is informed, if the patient is at high risk.

For gynecological patients

History taking and examination are carried out by resident doctor.

Senior's opinion is obtained, wherever required, and findings are entered on the case paper.

Urinary pregnancy test is done (wherever required).

If operative intervention is required

Admission is made in Waiting Ward.

Investigations are dispatched from the Waiting Ward.

Resuscitation is done if required.

Availability of operation theater is confirmed.

The availability of blood in blood bank is confirmed.

Anaesthesia call is sent from OBOT.

OT changes are obtained from staff of OBOT.

Preoperative orders are written.

Catheterization is done.

Consent is obtained.

A prescription is given if required.

The patient is shifted to the OT

For calls

All routine calls are noted before 4 P.M.

the parent unit is informed (if required).

Semi-emergency calls seen within 2 hours.

All emergency calls seen immediately.

Waiting ward

Registrar to registrar over of patients is given.

Female side room is checked for bedsheets, cleaned table.

Name of registrar on call is written on Waiting Ward black board.

List of stock not available in WWD and LWD is checked.

Fresh orders are carried out.

Two hourly rounds are taken by residents.

Four hourly rounds are taken by seniors.

If thepatient is shifted to labor ward

Fresh orders are written with time and date.

Parent Unit Registrar is informed, if high risk, with time and date.