Archived Volumes of Past Issues


Poor or not poor
Procedure done on patient
Residence of patient
Ration card held by patient

Preauthorization form brought by patient’s relative after admission

Preauthorization form filled by Houseman on Unit Heads’ name, and sent to Senior AMO/CMO for signature

Confirmation of authorisation

Red-Ink stamp tover the indoor paper mentioning them to be RGJAY beneficiary

Collection of form where prescription can be listed

Availability of the various consumables (e.g. Drugs / suture material / miscellaneous) in the hospital

Sending relative to collect prescription

Collect of prescription

Giving information to operation theatre staff and anaesthetist about RGJAY eligible patients

Information to RGJY Center about completion of procedure

Post operative photograph taken by Arogyamitra

Postoperative day 3 USG done and report preserved for submission,

Copy of USG kept for future reference

Discharge form – 3 in number – RGJY Center, ward , patient

Information to RGJAY officials if proposed procedure is not done

Histopathology report scanned by RGJY Center, copy given to patient on follow up

Complete entry in unit RGJAY register

Monthly data to be submitted to CCT, on first of every month

Subsequent queries to be answered promptly.