Archived Volumes of Past Issues

Transfer Of Patient From Other Department To Gynecology Department

The indoor paper of the patient is available.

A call, in writing, has been sent and noted by gynecologist for evaluation and transfer of the patient to gynecology department.

The patient is evaluated by the registrar/ staff member.

If the transfer is required, then the patients detailed status should be informed to the Head of Unit.

Transfer entry is made on the transfer column on the front page of the indoor case sheet by the registrar and duly signed with date and time.

The staff nurseon duty of both the wards have been informed regarding thetransfer.

The patient is transferred on wheel chair or trolley depending on the patients condition and is accompanied by a doctor/nurse.

The transfer summary and specific treatment orders have been written by the respective transferring doctors.

Unit and ward change has been done on front page of indoor case sheet by the registration department.

The transfer has been duly noted by the staff nurse.

Subsequent management will be as per check list for new admission.