and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seth
Medical College
& KEM Hospital , Mumbai , India .)
has been doing a lot of work on gynecologic cancers. The staging systems are
revised every few years over the past 85 years, and are evidence based. It came
out with a new classification system
called PALM-COEIN for causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in nonpregnant
women of reproductive age in 2011. It was indeed a remarkable effort. There was
initially a multistage development process using a modification of the RAND/UCLA Delphi process to evolve a survey to elicit
panelists’ beliefs about the classification. The 39 clinician–investigators
panelists from over 17 countries met for 2.5 days in Washington , USA .
They brainstormed and developed new survey questions. A short Delphi
system was used again. The draft system developed was discussed
at a meeting
held in association with
the 2009 FIGO World
Congress in Cape
Town, South
Africa . It was modified and then presented to more
than 700 FIGO attendees and finally approved.
Classification of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
P: Polyp
C: Coagulopathy
A: Adenomyosis
O: Ovarian dysfunction
L: Leiomyoma
E: Endometrial
Pedunculated intracavitary
<50% intramural
>50% intramural
O- Other
Contacts endometrium, 100% intramural
Subserosal >50% intramural
Subserosal <50% intramural
Subserosal pedunculated
Other (specify: cervical, parasitic)
Hybri leiomyomas
Impact both endometrium and serosa
M: Malignancy and hyperplasia
I: Iatrogenic
N: Not yet classified
was stated that the need for the classification arose due to existing nomenclature
which was confusing and inconsistently applied, and also the lack of
standardized methods for investigation and categorization of the various
potential etiologies. This was believed to lead to deficiency in diagnosis and
management. This classification was considered a necessary step in the
evolution of collaborative research and evidence-based management of the
patients. There are many aspects of this which are confusing. Abnormal uterine
bleeding is a symptom for which there are a large number of causes. Such causes
are extensively listed and discussed in textbooks of gynecology. Dividing them
into two broad groups – PALM and COEIN – based on visually objective structural
criteria and criteria unrelated to structural abnormalities did not serve any
great purpose. After all, a final diagnosis in a given case is never limited to
what is seen on gross. After careful clinical evaluation and appropriate
investigations, a diagnosis is reached. Then appropriate treatment is given.
Putting the causes into such groups does not change the process in any way.
There should not be any reason to deviate from the procedure when such a
classification is not used, and I believe no clinician deviates in such a way.
One can admit that this system has made remembering the causes easy for
students, since it is in the form a mnemonic that uses common words palm and
co(e)in, supplemented by pictures of a palm and a coin. There has been
confusion in using terms to describe the type of abnormal uterine bleeding,
because different clinicians and authors use different terms. But that is issue
can be handled by recommending standard terminology. There has been no
confusion in the names of the causes in the past. The terms polyp, adenomyosis,
leiomyoma, malignancy, hyperplasia, coagulopathy, ovulatory dysfunction, endometrial,
and iatrogenic were used in the past and are used in the PALM-COEIN system too.
The reason of clubbing malignancy and hyperplasia together is inexplicable,
other than that if they were separated, the mnemonic would not work. Putting
such diverse conditions together will in no way help accurate nomenclature,
accurate categorization, comparison of different studies, and generation of
data to be used for evidence based recommendations. The list is incomplete. The
last category ‘not yet classified’ is supposed to include all conditions which
do not fit in the previous categories. That would not help achieve the objectives
which are listed above, since precision in statistical work demands
comprehensive categorization of variables. Conditions not listed at all include
functioning ovarian tumors, One condition has been extensively subcategorized –
leiomyoma. However the same has not been done about the others. It makes one
wonder if there is something special about leiomyomas. Types of polyps should
be listed, and so also their number, location and size. Adenomyosis may be
subcategorized into global, anterior, and posterior (the latter two being
adenomyomas). Malignancies involving the endometrium should be classified
depending on their histopathology, before applying the FIGO classification of
malignancies to them. Hyperplasias should be divided into simple and complex. All
coagulopathies should have been included. Ovarian dysfunction should be
subdivided based on its cause. The category ‘endometrial’ is confusing. Its
hyperplasia and malignancy are included in ‘M’ category, polyps in ‘P’
category, and proved conditions like tuberculosis and vascular malformations
are not included citing lack of evidence. Abnormal uterine bleeding can occur
due to self medication with hormonal preparations. It is evident that such
extensive classification would make putting it in the form recommended by
PALM-COEIN quite cumbersome. But scientific approach to any problem is often
complicated, and the detail should not be sacrificed for ease of application.
After all, the subcategories would have to be put separately anyway, defeating
the purpose of having an accurate, all-encompassing classification. Nothing is
wrong with stating the final diagnosis as a single entity or a combination of
different entities, instead of putting it in PALM-COEIN format with zeroes for
those categories which are not applicable.
It is not surprising that the PALM-COEIN classification has
not been adopted by most clinicians. What is surprising is that FIGO has not
revised it in more than 5 years, though it was stated that there would be
scheduled systematic review and revision of the system.
The following classification of the symptoms of abnormal uterine bleeding is
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Prolonged menstrual bleeding: ≥10 days of bleeding in one episode.
- Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding
- Intermenstrual bleeding
- Intermenstrual midcycle bleeding
- Intermenstrual premenstrual bleeding
- Intermenstrual postmenstrual bleeding
- Irregular menstrual bleeding: range of varying lengths of bleeding-free intervals >17 days within one 90-day reference period.
- Scanty menstrual bleeding
- Infrequent menstrual bleeding: <2 episodes of bleeding in a 90-day reference period.
- Frequent menstrual bleeding: >4 episodes of bleeding in a 90-day reference period.
- Absent menstrual period: absence of bleeding/spotting during the reference period.
The following classification of the
causes of abnormal uterine
bleeding is recommended.
- Uterine
- Myometrial
- Endometrial
1. Simple
2. Complex
3. Atypical
Polyp (state type)
1. Carcinoma
2. Sarcoma (state type)
3. Choriocarcinoma
4. Metastatic
Inflammation (state type e.g.
Vascular malformation
- Ovarian
- Anovulation (state cause)
- Estrogen producing tumor (state type)
- Non hormone producing tumor (state type)
- Coagulopathy (state type)
- Endocrine
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Pituitary dysfunction
- Hyperprolactinemia (state cause)
- Adrenal dysfunction
- Hepatic dysfunction hyperestrogenism)
- Iatrogenic
- Intrauterine contraceptive device
- Contraceptive pills
- Hormone therapy
- Self medication (state drug)
- Munro MG, Critchley H, Broder MS, Fraser IS, for the FIGO Working Group on Menstrual Disorders. FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in nongravid women of reproductive age. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2011;113(1):3–13.
- Woolcock JG, Critchley HO, Munro MG, Broder MS, Fraser IS. Review of the confusion in current and historical terminology and de fi nitions for disturbances of menstrual bleeding. Fertil Steril 2008;90(6):2269–80.
- Fraser IS, Critchley HO, Munro MG. Abnormal uterine bleeding: getting our terminology straight. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2007;19(6):591–5.
Parulekar SV. Critical
Evaluation of PALM-Coein Classification. JPGO 2016. Volume 3 Number 1. Available from: